We know that you love salmon fishing. Whenever you get time off from work or just need to get away from it all and recharge, salmon fishing is your outlet. You can’t wait to get your gear, hop into your boat and take off into the open, clear water. Fishing for salmon is a popular hobby and sport among all walks of life, but despite its popularity, people can get frustrated. You can’t just put on any type of bait and expect a bite to come. Here are the top 10 tips and tricks needed for you to pull up a big catch.


1. Prepare before you go out.

Make sure everything is with you—bait, line, rod, rig. You want to have everything tied and attached before you set out.

2. Sharpen your hooks.

Salmon have a seriously thick and tough jawline, and if your hook is dull, catching a salmon can be very difficult, even when it bites. Make sure that hook is razor sharp to increase your chances of a catch.

3. Pick your bait wisely.

It is widely known that the most successful type of live bait for salmon fishing is to use roe (eggs), but there are other options, too. Many fishermen are now switching to “cut bait”, which is basically a strip of fish, usually a herring or a smelt. There is also the option of using a “spoon” which is a thin, artificial lure that mimics the movement of fish when it moves. Flashtrap spinners are very successful as well.

4. Add flash!

Make sure your bait has something flashy attached to it to attract the fish. Salmon prefer low lighting conditions, so something that flashes will attract them in deeper, darker waters.

5. Use red line.

Quick science fact! Color dissipates the deeper it goes under water. The very first color that dissipates when it hits water is red. Red disappears in water with as little as 15 feet.This is great for fishing, because the line will appear invisible to fish at this depth or deeper, and your bait will appear more life-like. Only sockeye salmon can see red.

6. Overcast for the win!

Since salmon do prefer low lighting, overcast days are the perfect days to fish. If it is not overcast, dawn and dusk are optimal times, too. Try to avoid bright, sunny days, as the visibility of the salmon will be greater.

7. If you are fishing on a river or current, use the drift fishing technique.

The drift fishing technique is when you cast your bait upstream and let it float down to an area you believe have salmon. Again, this makes your bait appear more realistic.

8. If you are fishing out on the open water, fish with the tide flow, not against it.

Salmon tend to face into the incoming tide flow and will have a better chance to see your bait.

9. Try to be ready to fish during peak times.

Peak fishing times are one hour before or after high or low tide. Again, these are pristine times to fish, so make sure your rig and bait are ready.

10. Use color.

Like we covered before, certain colors disappear completely at deeper depths. You don’t want to use bright colors like reds, yellows and oranges, as they will be grayed out at deeper water. This makes it hard for the fish to see them. Below 50 feet, use green, purple, blue, UV or glow lures. It will stand out in the dark for the fish to bite.

That’s it! Follow these simple tips and tricks and you will be catching salmon in no time. Salmon fishing is your time; make the best of it.