You can reach our staff with any questions by calling (250) 203-2553.
During the off season, please leave a voice message or use the Contact Us form below and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
Lodge mailing address: Box 8 Stuart Island, British Columbia V0p 1V0
Making Dent Island Lodge a success

Our Family Welcomes You
I became manager in 2007 and brought my wife, Trish and young children, Olivia and Ty. I have lived and guided in the area since 1989.
Dent Island has become our home and we have raised our family at the lodge. It is truly a family-run business, with Trish in the office and restaurant, Olivia in the store, and Ty on the dock. Our goal is to provide guests the best possible experience and for them to truly enjoy the natural beauty that British Columbia offers.
We welcome you to visit our pristine lodge that is secluded in the British Columbia wilderness, where we enjoy all the comfortable amenities of home. We look forward to meeting each of you, so stop by and enjoy our little piece of heaven.
Justin, Trish, Olivia, and Ty Farr